Domestic Abuse Support for Doctors – Home

About DASD

Why has DASD been created?

Domestic Abuse for everybody that is affected is hugely important of course. But, like with mental health, I’ve realised there’s a void of sorts for doctors in this situation. There is a fear of disclosure due to the potential impact on career. As doctors, there are certain issues that relate more specifically to us (such as dealing with malicious GMC reporting). It can also feel incredibly isolating.

What are the goals for DASD?

Initially, I will be building the website with resources and signposting to various services, some of which will be general resources about Domestic Abuse, not just those relevant to doctors. I anticipate reviving my writing and producing some blogs too, which are likely to be observations and reflections rather than evidence-based information. There are also social media pages to share information.

I am already providing some one-to-one support. This has so far been remotely through social media messaging, WhatsApp messaging or speaking on the phone and I would be happy to use video calls too if this is preferred. This allows anyone in the country to reach out and also means this is still possible during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As it evolves, if it seems there is a need, I will look into providing a more formalised helpline and support service with a larger team.

So far, this is purely me giving my own time and funding the website etc myself. I hope to set up as a charity in the near future to help me develop the service further.

Who am I and what is my background?

My name is Dr. Kathryn Hayman. I am a GP and I am also a Domestic Abuse Survivor.

My Domestic Abuse journey started consciously in June 2018, but actually started long before that but I didn’t recognise it for what it was. I have lived through many different DA experiences which has therefore given me a great deal of learning which I can pass onto others, including retrospectively recognising mistakes I have made along the way. I have also been a proactive and avid learner in this field through personal reading and research. I have had absolutely incredible support from my local Domestic Abuse service and the Police Service which has also given me further insight into understanding Domestic Abuse and action that can be taken when you find yourself a victim/survivor.

As a GP, a certain amount of Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding training is done regularly as part of the job. In addition to this and my lived experience, I have recently done some Litigant in Person training workshops and also online learning modules. I am also pursuing more formal Domestic Abuse training which is currently proving challenging to access thanks to Covid-19!


With huge thanks to ‘The Joyful Doctor’ for reassuring me that this wasn’t a daft idea!…and encouraging me to initiate it… but one step at a time!

Also massive thanks my ‘cousin-in-law’ (?!) ‘Jill Spence Illustration’ for transforming my rubbish sketch for a logo into something presentable! The blue and the butterfly represent freedom and peace. 🦋 The stethoscope ‘body’ is self-explanatory! 🩺

Please note: This website was published on 16th April 2020 prematurely as I felt I needed to get the resources out there as soon as possible amidst the rapidly escalating rates of Domestic Abuse secondary to the Covid-19 Pandemic. It is only in the early stages and I will continue to build it significantly over time.